google847d9f4fad96765c.html dLjzEuW_SzEWDglla-S1J66pWi8 HOW TO CALCULATE DISTANCE BETWEEN TOW POINTS ? | INFO WORLD


Distance Between Tow Points
You can measure the distance between two points on the map using Google Maps. The instructions below are different depending on whether you have the new or classic Maps.
On classic Maps

To measure the distance from one point to another in the classic Google Maps, you'll first need to turn on distance measurement.

Turn on distance measurement:

Open the classic Google Maps.

Click the Maps Labs link at the bottom of the left-hand panel.
Click the button labeled “Enable” next to “Distance Measurement Tool.”
Click Save changes.
Measure the distance between points:

Open the classic Google Maps.
Click the ruler icon at the lower left-hand corner of the map.
Click your starting point on the map, then click your destination point to trace the path. A red path will appear on the map between the two points, and the distance will be shown in the left panel.
Tips and tricks

You can choose between two different units: Metric (in km) or English (in mi).
Calculate the distance between multiple points by clicking on more than one place on the map.
You can save your distance measurement settings so you don't have to reset them each time you open Google Maps. Just sign in to your Google Account, then follow the steps above.

On the new Maps

You can use a directions search to get the walking or driving distance between two points on the map.

Open the new Google Maps.
Click the search box, then click Directions.
Click your starting and ending points on the map (or type them in).
Look under the search box in the directions card. The distance will be available after the route information.
To get the exact distance between points, you can use a third-party application, like Free Map Tools.

Note: The Distance Measurement Tool isn't available in the new Google Maps.

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