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LogMeIn.com is the best alternative to Teamviewer and is a free remote access software. It’s as easy as you downloading and installing it on your computer and accessing LogMeIn.com login page and remotely accessing from a different computer over the internet through this technology.
Once the LogMeIn.com free software is installed on your computer you need to go to LogMeIn login page and enter username and password. This is the amazing part with LogMeIn because only you will know what the login and password is. So security is guaranteed through all the encryption and stuffs from logMeIn.com side.
Also check out Teamviewer, it’s a free Remote Access Software and if you have already tried Teamviewer then try UltraVNC – Remote Support Software.
Have you read the post about Vmware player, the best free virtualization software on the Internet.
It’s as good as using your computer directly, that is the quality of the screen with LogMeIn. There are two version of the LogMeIn software that you can use free and the other one is paid, which costs just 69.95$ per year with host of features: check it out.
LogMeIn.com has grown huge in size in the world of Internet and now there are plenty of products from them that you might want to try:
- LogMeIn Rescue
- LogMeIn Central
- LogMeIn Pro2
- LogMeIn Backup
- LogMeIn Hamachi2
- LogMeIn Ignition
- Remotely Anywhere
- Join.me
If you are interested in buying any LogMeIn product then you can call the LogMeIn Customer support number: 1-866-478-1805
Visit LogMeIn @ https://secure.logmein.com/
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